IFRS 18: Why 2027 Financial Reports will look different

IFRS 18: Presentation and Disclosure in Financial Statements

In April 2024, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued IFRS 18, a new standard for the presentation and disclosure of financial statements, set to replace the existing IAS 1 standard. This change, effective from January 1, 2027, marks a significant shift in the way companies will report their financial performance. The new standard aims to enhance transparency, comparability, and relevance of financial information provided by entities, addressing the evolving needs of investors and other stakeholders.

Background and Development of IFRS 18

The development of IFRS 18 began in April 2016, driven by the need to improve financial performance reporting. The IASB recognized that the existing IAS 1 standard did not adequately meet the demands for more detailed and comparable financial information. After a series of discussions, exposure drafts, and consultations, IFRS 18 was finalized in April 2024.

Objectives and Scope of IFRS 18

The primary objective of IFRS 18 is to establish comprehensive requirements for the presentation and disclosure of financial information in general-purpose financial statements. The standard is designed to ensure that financial statements provide relevant information that faithfully represents an entity’s financial position, performance, and cash flows.

IFRS 18 applies to all entities preparing financial statements in accordance with IFRS. It does not alter the recognition or measurement of financial statement items but focuses on how these items are presented and disclosed.

Key Changes Introduced by IFRS 18

1. Structure of Financial Statements

IFRS 18 introduces significant changes to the structure of financial statements, particularly the statement of profit or loss. The standard requires entities to classify all items of income and expenses into five categories: operating, investing, financing, income taxes, and discontinued operations. This classification aims to improve the clarity and comparability of financial statements.

2. New Subtotals and Performance Measures

One of the notable changes is the introduction of new subtotals, such as “operating profit” and “profit or loss before financing and income taxes.” These subtotals are intended to provide a clearer picture of an entity’s core operating performance and facilitate comparisons across different entities.

Additionally, IFRS 18 requires the disclosure of certain non-GAAP measures, referred to as management performance measures (MPMs), within the financial statements. This inclusion ensures that these measures are subject to audit and enhances their credibility.

3. Aggregation and Disaggregation

The standard emphasizes the importance of aggregation and disaggregation of financial information. Entities must aggregate or disaggregate line items in the primary financial statements and notes based on shared characteristics to provide useful, structured summaries without obscuring material information.

4. Enhanced Disclosure Requirements

IFRS 18 introduces enhanced disclosure requirements aimed at providing more detailed information about an entity’s financial performance. This includes disclosures about the basis of preparation, accounting policies, capital management, and detailed information on each class of shares and reserves within equity.

Implementation and Transition

IFRS 18 is effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2027, with retrospective application required. Entities can choose to apply the standard earlier, provided they disclose this fact. The transition to IFRS 18 may require significant changes to financial reporting systems and processes, and entities are encouraged to prepare for these changes well in advance.

Impact on Financial Reporting

The implementation of IFRS 18 is expected to have several impacts on financial reporting:

  • Improved Comparability: By standardizing the classification of income and expenses and introducing new subtotals, IFRS 18 enhances the comparability of financial statements across entities and reporting periods.
  • Greater Transparency: The requirement to disclose management performance measures and detailed notes improves the transparency of financial statements, helping investors understand how management defines and measures financial performance.
  • Operational Challenges: The new requirements may necessitate changes to accounting systems, processes, and chart of accounts. Entities with diverse operations may face challenges in categorizing income and expenses according to the new standard.

2027 Financial Reporting

IFRS 18 represents a significant step forward in the evolution of financial reporting standards. By addressing the demands for more relevant, transparent, and comparable financial information, the standard aims to provide stakeholders with a clearer understanding of an entity’s financial performance. As the effective date approaches, entities should focus on understanding the implications of IFRS 18 and preparing for its implementation to ensure a smooth transition.

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